Contributions for Colloquia and Seminars

Seminar, 9th December 2021, at the University of Berkeley
Giulio Iovine, The Common Ancestor (?): Latin Letters in Late Antique Papyri and Late Prose

Conference, 8th December 2021, at Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris
Dario Internullo,
Les ‘Papyrus de Ravenne’: Documents, Nouveautés, Perspectives

Presentation, 26th October 2021, KU Leuven (Masterclass: Papyrology and the Multicultural society of Greco-Roman Egypt)
Lucia C. Colella, Roman wills from Egypt: originals, copies, translations, drafts,

Workshop: Individuals behind Documents, 25th-26th October 2021, at the University of Manchester
Lucia C. Colella,
Roman wills as socio-cultural source: three case studies from the 2nd century AD

Seminar, 8th October 2021, at Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven
Lucia. C. Colella
, Roman wills from Egypt before AD 235

20th Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia, 30th September-3rd October 2021, Siracusa
Michele Pedone,
Per una rilettura di BGU II 628

 Conference: 15th Jahrestreffen Der Jüngen Romanisten, 13th-14th September 2021, Würzburg
Lucia C. Colella,
Römische Testamentsurkunden auf Papyrus (1.-3. Jhd.): Überblick und Neuigkeiten
Michele Pedone, Römische Prozessprotokolle in den Papyri

Conference in Classics and Ancient History, 22nd-25th June 2021, Coimbra
Lucia C. Colella
, Layout and script in Roman wills from Egypt

Mappola Workshop, 26th February 2021, (Zoom)
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, Literary Landscape and Anonymous Poetry between East and West: the Contribution of Latin papyri

Seminar, 19th February 2021, at Bamberg (Zoom)
Dario Internullo,
King Odovacar to Pierius (18 March 489)

Project NOTAE Lectures, 19th February 2021 (Zoom)
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio,
Il nuovo Corpus of Latin Texts on Papyrus (CLTP)

Lecture, 18th February 2021 at Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples (Teams)
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio,
Sublimare la realtà. Il Satyricon di Petronio, tra scholastici avventurieri e liberti arricchiti

Series of Lectures: November-December 2020 at Scuola Superiore of Catania (Teams)
10th-11th-12th November & 1st December
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio,
Letteratura latina d’Oriente: Il contributo del nuovo Corpus of Latin Texts on Papyrus (CLTP)

Conference: 9.6 Jornadas de Papirologìa, 21st-22nd September 2020 (Zoom)
Lucia Consuelo Colella,
Riedizione del verbale di apertura di testamento di M. Sempronius Priscus (ChLA X 412) 
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio,
Brandelli di letteratura o un nuovo Comicus? Un frammento latino inedito, e la pericolosa oscillazione tra il nulla e il sensazionale

PhD Lecture, 21st September 2020, Venice (Google Meet)
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio,
Auctores noti e ignoti nel nuovo Corpus of Latin Texts on Papyrus (CLTP)

Seminar, 25th June 2020, at Associazione Glaucopis, Rome (Google Meet)
Giulio Iovine, Amabili resti. Il latino nei documenti dell’Egitto tardoantico

Series of Lectures, April-June 2020, at Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples
30th April; 7th-14th-21st-22nd-29th May; 5th-11st-18th June
Giulio Iovine: Exemplum subscriptionis. Le scritture latine su papiro, ostrakon e tavoletta (I a.C. – VI d.C.)

Series of NOTAE’s Lectures, 31st January 2020, Rome
Dario Internullo,
Papiro e pergamena nelle pratiche documentarie dell’Occidente altomedievale. Risultati, limiti e prospettive di una ricerca

Workshop, 23rd January 2020, Bamberg
Dario Internullo, L’archivio di Ravenna, gli «exceptores» e i «gesta municipalia». Pratiche documentarie delle città europee
tra V e VIII secolo

Conference: La struttura nascosta. Il diritto dei giuristi nella Tarda Antichità, 20th-23rd January 2020, Pavia
Michele Pedone

Series of Lectures, 10th-11th-12th December 2019, at Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
, Il nuovo Corpus of Latin Texts on Papyrus (CLTP): prospettive di una ricerca in corso sui testi latini su papiro. Letteratura e paraletteratura
Lucia Consuelo Colella, Il nuovo Corpus of Latin Texts on Papyrus (CLTP): prospettive di una ricerca in corso sui testi latini su papiro. Tipologie documentarie
Giulio Iovine, Il nuovo Corpus of Latin Texts on Papyrus (CLTP): prospettive di una ricerca in corso sui testi latini su papiro. Supporti e scritture

Workshop, 20th November 2019, at Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Munich
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, Known and Unknown Literary Texts in the New Corpus of Latin Texts on Papyrus

Conference: Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity, 3rd-5th October 2019, Ghent
Giulio Iovine, Descriptum et recognitum. A survey of Latin closing and acknowledging formulae in Latin and Greek payri and ostraka

The 29th International Congress of Papirology 28th July – 3rd August 2019, Lecce
Andrea Bernini,
Latin Documentary papyri from Iudaea – Siria Palestina: an overview
Giulio Iovine, Latin  in document from Egypt between Caracalla and Diocletian

Workshop: Lexicographer, 13th June 2019, at Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Munich
Alessia Pezzella, Latin Lexical Peculiarities in an Account from Tebtynis (P.Tebt. II 686 recto – II in. AD)

Workshop: L’Ègypte et l’Èconomie Impèriale Romaine, 13th March 2019, Bordeaux
Ornella Salati – Giulio Iovine, Roman citizens in Egypt and their economic practices: the perspective from the Latin papyri

Journee d’etude, 1st March 2019, Paris

Alessandro Garcea – Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, Lire Juvénal dans l’Égypte tardo-antique

Conference, 1st March 2019, Parma

Andrea Bernini, Il papiro latino di Gerusalemme: P.Mich. VII 445 + inv. 3888c + inv. 3944k

International Symposium: LAWINE Diritti e prassi commerciali nel Mediterraneo antico, 18th January 2019, Naples
Ornella Salati, ‘Mittebam vinum pulchrum’. Gestione ed esportazione del vino nella Berenice di I sec. d.C.

18th Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia, 21st September 2018, Syracuse

Michele Pedone, La ‘tradizione diretta’ delle costituzioni imperiali: alcune riflessioni

Round-table, 18th September 2018, Wien
Giulio Iovine, Presentation and discussion of P.Vindob. inv. L 32, 37, 38, 42, 48, 60, 79, 139, 153, 165

Conference: 72nd Session de la Société Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquitè, 12th September 2018, Kraków

Michele Pedone, The ‘Direct Tradition’ of Imperial Constitutions: Some Remarks

Series of Lectures, 13th-18th July 2018, Naples
Fabellae: favole e grammatici. Prospettive di ricerca sulla circolazione scolastica delle favole latine e bilingui latino-greche tra Antichità e Tarda Antichità
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
13th July, 15-18h
Aesopi fabellae: l’uso (e la tradizione) della favola tra grammatici e retori latini
16th July, 9.30-12.30h
Insegnare latino con le favole: gli Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana e i testimoni di tradizione diretta d’Oriente (III-IV d.C.) – I. Sulla manualistica scolastica bilingue
17th July, 15-18h
Insegnare latino con le favole: gli Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana e i testimoni di tradizione diretta d’Oriente (III-IV d.C.) – II. Analisi dei testimoni
18th July, 9.30-12.30h
Fabellae: nella scuola, per la scuola
Instrumenta 1  –  Instrumenta 2

11st Celtic Conference, 13th July 2018, St Andrews

panel: Talking Manuscripts: old and new problems in Greek and Latin manuscripts
Giulio Iovine
, Nomina nuda. Isolated Latin Nouns from Greek and Latin Documents on Papyrus

Seminar, 11th July 2018, Leipzig
Andrea Bernini, 
Fünf unveröffentlichte lateinische Papyri aus der Leipziger Papyrussammlung: Vorläufige Ergebnisse

Conference: 8th Jornadas de Papirologìa, 29th June 2018, Alicante

Ornella Salati, Come registrare reclute e soldati romani? Nomi, origine, ed elementi di identificazione nei papiri latini (I-III d.C.)
Giulio Iovine, Formule di datazione in Latino su papiro e ostraka greci e latini (I-VI d.C.): Origini, tipologie e scopi

Seminari storici Giuridici, 10th January 2018, Rome
Dario Internullo, Intorno al corpus di documenti altomedievali su papiro: tipologie, testi, contesti

Conference: Annual Meeting Society for Classical Studies, 7th January 2018, Boston
SESSION 7B: Colloquium
Archaeology from a Distance: Dura-Europos in the New Millennium
Giulio Iovine, Extreme Survivors. Papyrological and textual problems in the Latin papyri from Dura Europos

Conference: La cultura scritta dell’Egitto bizantino, 6th December 2017, Turin
Alessandro Garcea – Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
, Per una geografia della circolazione letteraria in Egitto: il contributo dei testi latini su papiro

The 8th Century Conference, 7th October 2017, Berlin
Dario Internullo
, Papyrus, parchment and the beginning of the written memory of Western Europe

Conference: Giornata di incontro-Per le antiche scuole, 6th October 2017, Milan
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
, Favole e grammatici: i frammenti d’Oriente e la tradizione favolistica degli Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana

International Summer School, 22nd September 2017, NaplesMaria Chiara Scappaticcio, Learning Latin to learn law? Second-language acquisition and the contribution of Latin texts on papyrus
Imparare il latino per imparare il diritto? L’apprendimento del latino come L2 e il contributo dei testi latini su papiro

10th Celtic Conference, 21st July 2017, Montreal
panel: Classic Literature and the Fragmentary
Giulio Iovine
, The unruly fragments. Old problems and new perspectives in Latin military papyri from Dura Europos

Conference, 6th July 2017, PaviaMaria Chiara Scappaticcio, Latino in Oriente: testi e contesti, lingua e letteratura. Sondaggi sul contributo della papirologia alla storia multilingue e multiculturale del Mediterraneo antico

Conference: International Ancient Warfare, 28th June 2017, Aberystwyth
Ornella Salati, Roman military documentation in the light of Latin papyri from Egypt

Conference: Antike Texte Aus Dem Wüstensand Und Die Moderne Welt, 24th June 2017, LeipzigAndrea Bernini, Textfragment bezüglich einer Geburtsanzeige

Seminar, 9th May 2017, Heidelberg
Institut für Papyrologie
Ornella Salati, An unpublished Latin papyrus in the British Library

Seminar, 26th April 2017, Pisa
“I mercoledì della storia medievale”, University of Pisa
Dario Internullo, Un papiro tardoantico alle origini del sistema curtense? Una nuova analisi di P.Ital. 3

Workshop: Act of the Scribe, 8th April 2017, AthenMaria Chiara Scappaticcio, Babrius rudi latinitate constitutus. A Latin translation of three Babrius’ fables from the late antique Eastern Roman Empire: Authors, scribes and ‘mistakes of mistakes’ in P. Amh. II 26

Seminar: Visualizzare la letteratura nell’universo di Turing, 24th March 2017, Naples

Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, Itinerari del latino in Oriente. Testi e contesti, lingua e letteratura

Conference: Avito di Vienna e Cassiodoro Due Epistolari a confronto, 10th March 2017, Rome
Dario Internullo, Il papiro Butini (P.Ital. 55) e l’epistolografia pubblica ravennate

Seminar: Vorträge im Rahmen des Kolloquiums: Neues aus der Alten Geschichte, 28th February 2017, Basel
Dario Internullo
, The Papyri from Ravenna

Seminar: Virgile commentè par Servius, aspects littèraires et historiques, 3rd December 2016, Paris
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, Lire l’Énéide en Orient: quelques réflexions sur la circulation de Virgile entre Antiquité et époque tardive

Seminar, 24th November 2016, Wuerzburg
Giulio Iovine, Romans in Egypt, Romans of Egypt. Unpublished Latin papyri from the Viennese Papyrussammlung

Seminars: Einführung in die Paläographie, 21st- 22nd November 2016, Eichstätt
Giulio Iovine, Between Dura Europos and Egypt. Publishing and republishing Latin documentary papyri
Giulio Iovine, Unearthing a treasure. Unpublished Latin documentary papyri from the Viennese Papyrussammlung (P.Vindob. inv. L 74recto, 86, 77 + 145, 98 verso)

Conference: Married to the Military – Soldiers’s Families in the Ancient World & Beyond, 11th – 12th November 2016, Londonmilitary-families-programme-1Ornella Salati, The soldiers’ partners in Latin papyri and tablets from Egypt: a survey

Conference: Greek Medical Papyri, 2nd – 4th November 2016, Parmaposter-digmedtext-finalAndrea BerniniP.Masada 723 und die römische militär-medizinische Versorgung

16th Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia, 29th September – 2nd October 2016, SyracuseValeria Piano, Per un nuovo studio di P.Herc. 1067: il rotolo, la scrittura, il paratesto
Dario Internullo, Tra tarda antichità e alto medioevo: nuove osservazioni sul “papiro Butini” (P.Ital. II 55)

Conference: Account and Bookkeeping in the Ancient World Conference. Question of Structure, 22nd – 24th September 2016, Schwetzingenldas8Ornella Salati, A New Military Account-Book: PSI II 119 + P.Oxy. III 454 + P.Laur. IV 134 recto

Seminar: Canoni letterari e scuola nella Roma di età imperiale, 14th June 2016, MilanMaria Chiara Scappaticcio, Auctores, ‘scuole’, multilinguismo: forme della circolazione e delle pratiche del latino nell’Egitto predioclezianeo

Conference: Tradizione classica e cultura contemporanea. Idee per un confronto, 9th June 2016, MilanMaria Chiara Scappaticcio, «Ils sont fous, ces Romains!»: Asterix, Le papyrus de César, e la trasmissione della conoscenza