From 23rd to 25th February 2016, Holger Essler (Universität Würzburg) and Gianluca Del Mastro (Università di Napoli “Federico II”) held a series of seminars entitled The Latin Herculaneum papyri: Search strategies and prospects. During the first day and the morning of the second day, Essler gave a lecture on the history of Herculaneum collection: he started from the first inventory dating back to 1782 and dealt with the most important catalogues concerning the Herculaneum finds; then, he focused on the mathematical calculation of the spirals, highlighting its advantages. On the afternoon 24th and on 25th, lessons were held by Del Mastro, who examined the problems related to the papyri unrolled through Piaggio’s machine; then, he discussed the issues related to the reliability of Neapolitan and Oxonian drawings. At the end, he spoke about some Latin texts that are rightly or wrongly believed to preserve literary works.